
My teaching portfolio.

To watch my guide on how to set-up a budget office/home studio for online presentations (used for my Machine Learning course at BI), please watch this video:

Ed Saiedi | teaching

BI Norwegian Business School

Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning
Spring 2021: Course Instructor
  • Lecture 1a: Introduction to Predictive Analytics
  • Lecture 1b: Types of Analytics and Predictive Analytics
  • Lecture 2: Preprocessing, Data Encoding and Reduction
  • Lecture 3: Regression 1 - Types, Bias/Variance, Overfit Avoidance
  • Lecture 4: Regression 2 - Train/Test Split vs. Cross-validation
  • Lecture 5: Unsupervised Learning
  • Lecture 6: Classification 1 - Trees
  • Lecture 7: Classification 2 - Trees (Cont.)
  • Lecture 8: Classification 3 - SVM
  • Lecture 9: Classification 4 - k-Nearest Neighbours
  • Lecture 10: Classification 5 - ROC Curve, Unbalanced Classes, DataRobot Classification
  • Lecture 11: DataRobot Evaluation and Model Valuation
  • Lecture 12: Automated Machine Learning, Implementation and Deployment

Previous Teaching