
This page consists of links to useful crowdfunding and fintech databases.

Crowdfunding Databases

Kickstarter dataset 1 (Monthly data crawl of Kickstarter projects in CSV and JSON)

UK P2P Lending Platforms

Worldwide P2P Lending Cross-Platform Market Data (offline now; Internet archive link)

US Lending Club P2P Lending Data + LendingClub Loan SEC Filings

US P2P Lending Data

Kiva Crowdfunding Database

Cryptocurrency/Darknet Databases

Supplementary data link to “Global Drivers of Cryptocurrency Infrastructure Adoption” by Saiedi, Broström & Ruiz (Small Business Economics).

CoinMap Data: Merchants Accepting Bitcoins Worldwide

Bitnode Data (courtesy of Addy Yeow): Monthly JSON snapshots from 2014-09 through to 2018-10; See the api documentation to find out what each array means in the JSON file; Bitnode GitHub Code can be found here

Darknet Market Archives

Darknet Market-related Arrests, 2011-2015

Bitcoin Price Data

Bitcoin Multiple Exchange Price Data, 2012-2018

Extensive databases on Bitcoin as on Data.World